IO2: Virtual Robo Lab
Start Date
End Date
The purpose of the Virtual Robo Lab is to give the students (after finishing the tasks related to building and programming the educational mobile robot) the opportunity to get a top-level understanding and some hands-on experience in more advanced robotics topics. The main topics covered will be: Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and Autonomous navigation. The Virtual Robo Lab will make this possible without the need of expensive equipment (advanced mobile robot, laser scanners, and RGB-D cameras and so on).
The Virtual Robo lab will provide a simulated environment, where the users can experience mobile robot tele-control, mapping and autonomous navigation tasks, using the Robot operating System (ROS) environment and Gazebo simulator. Multiple publicly available open-source simulated robots and simulated worlds will be provided. We will develop the necessary source code and launch files for the simulations.
Users will be able to:
- Tele-Control of Mobile Robot – Control of a simulated mobile robot via keyboard and/or joystick.
- SLAM Map Building by tele controlling the simulated robot in the simulated environment.
- Control the simulated robot to perform Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map to a user selected point on the map
The Virtual Robo Lab will bridge the hardware gap – universities, schools, NGOs, parents and pupils will have access to a robots in a simulated environment. It will shift the focus from the robot as a hardware equipment to its features and behavior. The aim is to provide equal access to the educational content to all students.
Activity 1:
Development of a script which will automatically install all required software and components (ROS, Gazebo, our software, etc.) on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 Installation or alternatively, it will be provided VMware virtual machine with all the requires software preinstalled.
Activity 2:
Creation of a publicly accessible account, with repositories containing our simulation related software and the Arduino based educational mobile robot source code.
Activity 3:
- Creation of tutorials and documentation;
- Creation of a tutorial for the teachers on how to install software and run the simulations;
- Creation of lessons for the students, for each of the different tasks;
- Translation of English created tutorials and lessons in Slovak, Romanian and Bulgarian.