The project envisions to create the Network of IcT Robo Clubs by delivering the following Intellectual Outputs:
IO1: NITRO edutainment platform
A set of software tools for programming and remote control of educational robots. Having as a base the cost oriented educational mobile robot equipped with Arduino compatible microcontroller and different sensors, a software platform for performing different edutainment (education by entertainment) tasks will be developed.

IO2: Virtual Robo Lab
The purpose of the Virtual Robo Lab is to give the students (after finishing the tasks related to building and programming the educational mobile robot) the opportunity to get a top-level understanding and some hands-on experience in more advanced robotics topics, without the need for expensive equipment (advanced mobile robot, laser scanners, RGB-D cameras and so on).

IO3: IT Robo Clubs Courses
The aim of the Courses is to introduce students and their teachers to the basics of robotics, mechanics and kinematics, controllers, hardware, sensors and actuators, software development and robot programing. The knowledge obtained will allow the students to design, control and program the educational mobile robot for the following tasks: line following, maze solving, obstacle avoidance and remote control.

IO5: IT Robo Games Platform
A software platform for managing gamified competitions of the VET school students from different countries. The virtual meeting place will allow sharing ideas and materials among community members, OERs and contest management.

IO6: IT Robo Olympics
The purpose of this intellectual product is to create a methodology, rules and conditions for conducting robot competitions on the following disciplines: line following, maze solving and obstacle avoidance introduced in real time and manual remote control of the educational robot. The competitions between the participants in the Robo Olympics will lead to the education of students in a multidisciplinary scientific field Robotics, which includes mechanics, hardware, software, sensor and sensor systems.